Sacred Pause: A 5-Minute Reset for Reconnecting with Yourself

Sep 25, 2024

 Life in midlife can often feel overwhelming, with demands coming from all directions—work, family, personal goals, and unexpected challenges. If you’ve ever felt disconnected, stressed, or just in need of a quick reset, you’re not alone.

Many of us long for moments of peace, clarity, and reconnection in the midst of a busy day. That's where the Sacred Pause comes in—a simple, yet powerful practice to help you reset and ground yourself in just five minutes.

In the audio, I’ll guide you through a 5-minute Sacred Pause to help you reconnect with your body, release tension, and find calm. If you’re ready, take a moment to listen to the embedded audio below and follow along. If you’re not in a space to pause right now, feel free to bookmark this page and come back when you’re ready to focus fully.

Why Take a Sacred Pause?

In the hustle of daily life, especially during midlife transitions, we often lose touch with our own needs—both physical and emotional. Taking just a few minutes to ground yourself can help you:

  • Release tension that builds up throughout the day.
  • Reconnect with your body and emotions.
  • Find clarity and focus in moments of overwhelm.
  • Spark creativity and joy, even in small ways.

Whether you're at home, on a walk, or in your car, this Sacred Pause is a tool you can return to anytime to reset, reconnect, and refresh your energy.

How to Practice the Sacred Pause

In the Sacred Pause, we focus on simple techniques to help you ground yourself, tune into your body, and reconnect with your feelings. Here’s a preview of what we’ll do:

  1. Set an Intention: Whether you want to feel calm, centered, or simply more present, we’ll start by silently setting an intention for the pause.
  2. Ground Your Body: Using mindful breathwork and awareness, you’ll connect with your body, from your feet to your shoulders, releasing any tension.
  3. Check in with Your Heart: I’ll guide you through a gentle heart check-in, allowing you to notice your emotions without judgment.
  4. Spark Creativity: We’ll end with a simple creative visualization to help you leave the practice feeling refreshed and inspired.

Listen to the Sacred Pause Audio:

Click below to listen to the guided Sacred Pause audio.


Reflection Journal Prompts for Your Sacred Pause

To help you reflect on your experience and maintain the sense of calm you gain from the Sacred Pause, I’ve created a Sacred Pause Reflection Journal. You can use the journal prompts to deepen your practice and return to your insights throughout the day.

Here are a few questions you might reflect on:

  1. What is My Body Telling Me?
    After the grounding practice, what sensations did you notice in your body? Were there areas of tension or ease? Write down any insights from this moment of body awareness.

  2. What Emotions Came Up, and What Do They Mean?
    Take time to reflect on the emotions that surfaced during your pause. How do they relate to what’s going on in your life right now? Use this space to explore your feelings without judgment.

  3. How Can I Use This Pause to Support My Well-Being?
    Now that you’ve completed the pause, think about how you can integrate what you’ve learned into your daily routine. What small changes or practices can you adopt to stay grounded and connected moving forward?

>>> Download the Full Reflection Journal <<< 

To deepen your experience, you can download the full set of reflection prompts in the Sacred Pause Reflection Journal. Keep this journal handy to use after your pauses or as a tool for daily reflection.

Return to Your Sacred Pause Anytime

It’s incredible how just five minutes can transform your state of mind. The Sacred Pause is a practice you can return to again and again, whenever you need to reset and reconnect. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just in need of a moment of peace, this pause is a powerful tool to help you stay grounded in your daily life.

I’d love to hear how this practice worked for you! Share your experience with me on Instagram @jamiehandcreative, and let me know how you’re integrating the Sacred Pause into your day.

Download the Sacred Pause Reflection Journal: