How to Navigate a World Gone Wild

Jul 24, 2024

In a world that seems to have an ever-increasing frequency of chaos, finding moments of calm can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Between the relentless news cycles, the dizzying pace of social media, and societal expectations, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But what if there was a way to navigate this craziness without getting swept away? What if you could observe the craziness around you without it affecting your inner peace?

I stopped watching the news back in 2017, and guess what? I’m still here, living life and doing just fine. The truth is, much of the media is fear-based. I remember being a kid when every snowstorm was billed as 'the worst one yet.' More often than not, it wasn't, and life went on, usually without even a snow day from school.

This realization isn't just about the weather—it’s about recognizing that the constant 24/7 coverage from the media is designed to keep us on edge. For those of us on the path to awakening, it’s clear that something big is shifting in our world. We’re waking up, becoming aware of the systems that have long held us back, kept us divided, and stripped us of our power. And yes, we're already seeing the beginnings of these systems starting to crumble.

Many women in midlife are realizing it’s time to turn down the chaotic noise of life. Whether it's the constant buzz from the media, the endless scrolling through social media, or even outdated societal expectations about what a woman 'should' be doing at this age, it’s clear these systems are designed to keep us distracted, divided, and disempowered.

As a former teacher, I used to say the education system was broken, but now I see it differently. It’s not broken; it’s doing exactly what it was designed to do: indoctrinate our children into becoming workers who don't think outside what they’re told. And then there's the government and healthcare—do you really think they're working to help you? Why is our healthcare so hard to navigate? Why are our doctors backed by pharmaceutical companies?

Breaking Out of the Mold

Everything seems designed to work against us. Everything is inverted. What they say is supposed to help us often doesn't, and what they tell us to avoid is probably what we need. But this isn’t a message of despair. As a collective group, we will see the systems that we have grown up with hit rock bottom and crumble. This breakdown is necessary to bring forth new ways of living and being.

Take, for example, the stereotypes about women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond—that we should slow down, become more reserved, or that our best days are behind us. These notions persist in our society, subtly influencing how we see our future. But many women I talk to are not winding down; they’re just getting started. They're launching businesses, diving into new creative endeavors, or finding new love.

Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos

So, how do you find peace amidst the chaos? It starts from within. Disconnect from the noise. Turn off the news, step away from social media, and listen to your heart. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, or just step outside and reconnect to nature. Do what fills you with joy. That’s how you navigate through these turbulent times.

If it feels like the world's gone mad, you’re not wrong. But remember, you don’t have to get swept up in it. Think of it as a movie unfolding before you—you can watch without being one of the characters. Take a moment to think about your favorite peaceful spot—maybe it’s a quiet corner of your garden, a cozy chair by the window, or a bench in the park. Imagine yourself there, watching the world, but not getting tangled in its chaos. From this vantage point, you can see what’s happening, reflect on it, and decide calmly what, if anything, you want to do about it.

This isn’t about ignoring the world’s problems; it’s about maintaining your peace amid them. It's about knowing when to engage and when to step back and recharge. Remember, preserving your mental and emotional well-being lets you be more effective when you do choose to act. So, whenever things start to feel overwhelming, remind yourself: you’re the observer, not just another character on the stage.

The rest of 2024 might be a wild ride. Start practicing how to find your inner peace and calm now. As we've explored today, finding peace amid the chaos starts within us. It’s about turning down the external noise and tuning into our own hearts and minds. Now, I’d like to invite you to experience this personally. Join me in a guided visualization designed to help you discover your inner sanctuary, a place of calm and strength that you can return to anytime you need peace.

Navigating a world gone wild isn't about pulling away from reality—it's about enhancing your ability to live through it with grace and intention.

Listen to the end of the audio podcast to hear our guided visualization to help you find and keep your inner peace.