Feeling Stuck in Midlfe? Simple Steps to Find Clarity When Life Feels Uncertain

Sep 06, 2024

Recently, I’ve been experiencing a lot of confusion about where I’m headed—not just in my business, but in life in general. It’s that feeling of standing on the edge of something big, but not quite seeing what that “something” is yet. Maybe you’ve been there too, where you know change is coming but have no idea what direction to take next.

If you’ve ever felt stuck, like you’re in a fog and can’t figure out your next steps, you’re not alone. A lot of us, especially in midlife, go through these phases where everything feels uncertain. The good news is, there are small things you can do to create some space for clarity to come in.

Here are a few things I’ve been doing to feel more grounded during this time of confusion—and I hope they’ll help you too.

1. Slow Down and Make Space

The first thing I had to do was slow down. I know we hear this all the time, but actually putting it into practice can be tough. It’s so easy to feel like we need to be further along or doing more, but rushing through without clarity only adds stress.

I started asking myself, “What can I take off my plate?” Instead of piling on more tasks, I focused on what didn’t need to be done right now. Slowing down helped me clear some mental space, which allowed clarity to start seeping in little by little.

For example, I usually publish my podcast episodes on Wednesdays, but I found myself recording this one on the actual release day. Will it go live today? Maybe, maybe not—and that’s okay. The world won’t end if it’s a little late. In fact, I didn’t know what I wanted to talk about until I realized this was the exact topic I needed to address—feeling unclear and making peace with it.

Slowing down has also led me to make small adjustments, like using my slow cooker more often to prepare meals. It’s a little change, but those little changes can free up so much mental energy and create the space we need to tune into what really matters.

2. Clear the Mental and Physical Clutter

Another thing that’s helped is clearing clutter—both physically and mentally. Recently, I deleted the Facebook app off my phone because I noticed I was opening it out of habit, not because I was looking for anything in particular. It was just adding noise to my mind.

In the same way, I started clearing physical clutter around my house. No major overhauls, just small steps like putting away things left out from the busy start to the school year. It’s amazing how much lighter you feel with less stuff around, and how decluttering your space can make room for clearer thinking.

When our environment feels cluttered, our minds can feel the same. By simplifying my physical space, I created more mental space for clarity to show up.

3. Go Inward

This is the big one—going inward. When we feel stuck or confused, we often look outside ourselves for answers. We think that if we just read the right book or listen to the right podcast, the answer will magically appear.

But what I’ve found is that the most aligned answers come from within. So, I’ve been making more time to sit quietly with myself, without any expectations. It’s not about forcing clarity to come; it’s about creating the space for it to show up when it’s ready.

Here’s the thing: sometimes you sit in silence, and you don’t feel any guidance. That’s okay. It’s a process, and reconnecting with your inner voice takes time. You have to work through the mental chatter and fear-based thoughts to find that quiet whisper of intuition. Fear is loud, but intuition is subtle—it’s those gentle nudges that guide you in the right direction.

4. A Simple Change in My Morning Routine

One practical change I made was adjusting my morning routine. I used to sit on the couch and scroll through my phone while my kids got ready for school. But I realized that scrolling through my phone wasn’t helping me at all. It was just distracting me and keeping me from tuning into what I actually needed.

Now, I’ve started doing mindful doodling in the mornings. It’s a small, simple practice, but it’s helped me stay present and more connected to my inner voice. It’s something I can easily pick up and put down if my kids need me, but it allows me to stay intentional during a time that used to feel scattered.

The biggest takeaway from all of this? I don’t have all the answers yet, but I’m realizing I’m not going to find them by looking outward. The clarity I need isn’t going to come from Facebook or YouTube—it’s going to come from within.

If you’re feeling stuck or unclear about your next steps—whether it’s in your career, your relationships, or just life in general—I hope these small practices might help you too. Slow down, clear out the clutter, and make time to go inward. Clarity will come when it’s ready.

What about you? Have you experienced times of confusion like this? What practices have helped you gain clarity? Share your thoughts in the comments—I’d love to hear from you.