Believing You’re Not Creative is Holding You Back in Life

Oct 11, 2024

In a world where creativity is often equated with art, many of us may find ourselves dismissing the idea that we're "creative people."

But what if I told you that creativity isn’t just about making art or writing music?

It’s something far more profound. It’s the force that shapes your life, your choices, and the world you experience each day.

Believing you’re not creative may just be the thing that’s holding you back from living a life that truly lights you up.

The Myth of the “Non-Creative” Person

Let’s start with a simple truth: We are all creators. Creativity is our birthright, our fundamental nature. We aren’t here just to exist—we’re here to create. Yet so many of us walk around with the story that we’re “not creative.”

Maybe you’ve thought this before: “I’m not artistic” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” These beliefs don’t just limit our potential; they shape the world we live in, sometimes in ways we’re not even aware of.

When you carry the belief that you’re not a creative person, it impacts the choices you make, the risks you’re willing to take, and the way you experience life.

You might avoid exploring new interests or pursuing dreams, telling yourself that it’s “just not you.” But the truth is, you’re creating your reality every day—with your thoughts, your words, and your actions.

Creativity is in Everything You Do

Creativity isn’t just about making art or inventing something entirely new. Creativity is the act of bringing something into existence that wasn’t there before. You do this with every thought you think, every belief you hold, and every story you tell yourself.

Consider the choices you make each day. When you wake up, you have the power to decide how you will view your day. You can choose to see it as an opportunity or a burden.

This decision shapes how you experience the world. And each time you choose to believe in your own potential—or to doubt it—you’re building the reality you’ll live in.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

The stories you hold about yourself are incredibly powerful. When you believe you’re not creative, you’re creating a world in which your potential is limited. But what if you could step back and imagine a reality where that belief didn’t exist?

Take a moment to reflect on a time when you doubted yourself. Maybe it was a project at work, a relationship, or a goal you’ve kept on the back burner. Did a part of you think, “I’m not creative enough to figure this out”?

Now imagine if that voice weren’t there. Imagine if, instead, you trusted that you are capable of incredible things, that you have unique contributions to make, and that your creativity is something you can tap into at any moment.

Embracing Your Role as a Creator

Recognizing yourself as a creator is the first step toward embracing your power. When you realize that you’re constantly creating, you begin to see that many of the limitations you experience are self-imposed. They’re rooted in beliefs you may not even realize you have.

Now, embracing your creative identity doesn’t mean you control everything in your life. Sometimes, life throws us unexpected challenges, things that feel out of our control. It’s easy to slip into frustration or fear when this happens. You might wonder, “How could I have created this? Why did this happen to me?”

Here’s what I believe: sometimes these experiences, even the painful or difficult ones, are offering us something essential for our growth. A challenging experience might push you to shift perspectives, to learn something new, or to align more closely with your true self.

When you approach life with a mindset of co-creation rather than control, you open yourself up to new possibilities. You begin to dance with life, rather than resist it.

Exercises to Reclaim Your Creativity

If you’re ready to start embracing your identity as a creator, here are a few exercises you can try:

1. Daily Creative Journaling

Each day, take a few minutes to journal on the question, “What did I create today?” This might be a conversation, an idea, an experience, or even just a feeling. By reflecting on the moments you actively shape, you’ll begin to see the creative power in the everyday.

2. Reframe Negative Thoughts

When you catch yourself in a negative thought pattern, pause and ask yourself, “How is this thought shaping my world?” Then, gently reframe it. For example, if you’re thinking, “I can’t handle this,” try reframing it to, “I’m navigating this challenge in the best way I can, and I’m growing in the process.” With every reframe, you’re creating a new way of seeing the world.

3. Practice Allowing

There are many things in life we can’t control, and sometimes the best way to create is simply to allow. When difficult emotions arise, let yourself feel them without judgment. Notice the urge to control, but remind yourself that sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is just to be present. This awareness opens up space for something new to emerge.

You are a creator, constantly shaping the world around you. Recognizing this can unlock incredible potential and fulfillment. As you begin to embrace this role, you may find yourself more open to growth, to new possibilities, and to the beauty in the everyday.

So, let go of the myth that you’re not creative. Embrace the reality that you are a creator. When you do, you’ll unlock something extraordinary within yourself—and the world will be better for it.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If this message resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, stories, or experiences in the comments, or tag me on Instagram @JamieHandCreative. Let’s continue this journey together, because the world needs what only you can bring.